Tuesday, September 15, 2015

This Isn't Goodbye...It Is Simply See You Later

Wow. In 18 hours I will be set apart as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I can't begin to tell you the emotions I feel at the time because it is simply too hard. The past week has been very bittersweet. I can't begin to tell you all the memories I made, laughs, cries, and every other thing that has happened. But the one thing that stings the most is the goodbyes.I did not know it would be this hard until this past week came. It was so hard to hug people and realize it was the last time I would see them...for some, I don't know if they will be here when I get home or part of my life when I get home....that is the hardest part. Every time I said goodbye to someone, another piece of my heart would break and endless tears would follow as I watched them leave. I think one of my hardest goodbyes will be my family. What hurts the most is knowing that my hardest goodbye will be my last one and won't be until I am inches from the MTC doors. There are so many people that I have made a huge impact in my life:
Oh my dear family...

oh my loving friends..

What I learned is that this isn't goodbye...it is simply see you later. I know that I am not saying goodbye to my life. In 18 months, I will be a new me but my life will not be different. I learned how much my Heavenly Father blessed my life. He knew exactly what He was doing when he put certain people in my life. I can't begin to explain how grateful I am for the examples in my life. Heavenly Father have blessed me with amazing examples. I am so grateful for this gospel. I am grateful for what it has done for me. I cannot wait to serve the people of Ohio. Thank you to everyone who has impacted my life. Even if you are not in one of the photos posted, know that you have impacted my life in one way or another (and plus, if I added a picture for every person that impacted my life there would be 1,000+ pictures haha). I love you all so much! until next time...

XOXOXO Sister Detamore

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